Thursday, March 3, 2011

Surfing on Social Networking Sites Frequently Can Develop Self-respect

According to CNN reports, researchers from the Cornell University in the United States found that surfing on the social networking sites frequently can help people develop self-respect. In this research, researchers asked 63 students sitting in a computer classroom, in which a number of computers are closed and a mirror is put on some computers. At the same time, some computer shows the Facebook and other social networking sites, students had 3 minutes to browse and update their social status. Subsequently, the students were divided into two groups to be answered some questions about self-esteem test. The results showed that students who had surfed on the social networking sites apparently have strong self-esteem than students who just sit in front of computers. Apparently, updating their virtual social status makes them feel good.

Jeffery Hancock, assistant professor of communication major in the Cornell University, said the mirror would reflect the true yourself, however, when the real yourself is consistent with the ideal yourself, you will feel self-esteem is hurted. Different with the mirror, social networking sites show online yourself because you can update your own status, delete unsatisfied picture to help you build self-esteem. Hancock is one of the authors of Mirror, Mirror On My Facebook Wall: Effects of Exposure to Facebook on Self-Esteem. He said some people believe the network is a bad thing without reason, this research was the first study to prove the social networking sites had positive psychological effect.

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