Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Seven Chinese Internet Companies Will Go Listed In America Collectively in May

An informed person revealed that many Chinese dotcom companies, such as renren.com, netqin.com and tudou.com, would go listed overseas in May. He also said that renren.com has increased its IPO price to about 12 to 14 dollars, which means that its market value would reach to about 5.4 billion US dollars. There are about 7 Chinese internet-related companies who plan to go listed in America in May collectively. And if this news is true I want to call it the last crazy before the internet bubble.

All those companies all attached much importance on the process of listing overseas. And they do much to prepare for the listing.

There are many debates recently on the issue of the new round internet bubble. Many observers expressed their worries about it. But some investors didn’t think the new round internet bubble is coming, which I think they are deceiving themselves.

One reason for so many dotcom companies going listed is that the threshold of listing has been lowered. And the concept of China has been recognized by the overseas capital market. On the other side those companies have to shoulder the burden coming from the investors. After the investors can quit after the company has gone listed. But as of the internet companies the clear business model is the most important.

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